
Sulabh Yoga Sadhana

  • Yogasanas are only 1/8 part of Ashtang Yoga.
  • Body is the means to nurture soul, so to keep it pure and supportive, we must perform Yogasanas the first step towards Sadhana.
  • The steps of Asanas should be followed by Pranayam. Pranayam leads a Sadhak to gain mind control.
  • Then follows the stage of Dhyan. Dhyan increases efficiency of the Sadhak and leads him to spiritual progress.
  • Yogiraj has experienced himself Omkar Shatchakrabhedan and Yog-Nidra. He claims that all these Kriyas / yogic processes are attainable to anybody. Self-experience depends on physical and spiritual ability of a Sadhak. Tratak Sadhana is a simple way for self-revelation.
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