
Serve Dharm Swarupa

In this book, Yogi Manoharji has told that at one time the whole world was following the Vedic i.e. knowledgeable tradition. Vid means acquiring knowledge and Vedic means acquiring knowledge and behaving accordingly. Therefore, in ancient times there was only one tradition, the knowledgeable tradition. There were no different religions, castes and sects. All human society was one. Later, gradually the beliefs changed and according to those beliefs, different religious sects started being formed. Today the situation is that humans have become divided due to different religious sects. Disagreements have started, fights have started. But if humans understand that our original tradition is the Vedic tradition, then a new era of unity will come. This is the basic Vedic tradition that Yogiji has explained in this book. Along with this, it also clearly explains how some misunderstandings and misconceptions are spreading in some places. There is only one religion in this world i.e. human religion and there is only one caste i.e. mankind. Love and charity is the human religion which is mentioned in Geeta. This religion is explained in this book. This book is for all mankind which is available in Hindi language. In future it will also be published in English and Marathi.

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